A woman very eager to become pregnant takes a home pregnancy test about a week before her period is due because there is a chance an egg has already been fertilized. She is devastated when the test comes back negative, but then she fails to get her period a week later. What would a doctor most likely tell her?

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Answer: implantation of an egg to the uterus will take days almost six days after an unprotected sexual activity so taking a test too early is likely to give her a negative pregnancy test .

She should take a test again just after the missed day of her periods because that could be a good sign that implantation has happened.

She may be pregnant but it is just too early for the pregnancy to be detected , if she could wait atleast two weeks after the unprotected sexual activity the test would likely be to detect the pregnancy hormones by then.


The test came too early, she should take the test again after she had missed her period because she may now be pregnant


The test came too early, she should take the test again after she missed her period because she may now be pregnant

Because it takes time before the body could develop a detectable levels of HCG (Human Chronic Gonadotropin). If an early test is taken before the period date, then the accuracy rates drops significantly.  The most accurate result is a test taken until the week after the period is missed