Respuesta :
An identifiable, hierarchical social structure.
A set of shared beliefs or values.
Unique jargon, rituals, and modes of symbolic expression.
These are all characteristics that describe consumption subculture. A consumption subculture is a distinct, homogeneous group that is united by a commitment to a particular set of consumption objects. These groups usually have an identifiable, hierarchical social structure. Moreover, they share common beliefs and values. Finally, these groups employ unique jargon, rituals and modes of symbolic expression.
The options that characterize a consumer subculture are:
- identifiable hierarchical social structure
- a set of shared beliefs and values
- unique jargon, rituals, and modes of symbolic expression
Capitalist society is focused on consumption influenced by reference groups, the media, patterns imported from more developed regions, among others. This appreciation of consumption encourages a proliferation of identifications and lifestyles. For the author, identities also encourage consumption, forming a cyclical process. This is how consumer cultures are formed and, within this context, the consumer subculture that can be understood as the relationship of a group of people through identification with consumer objects or activities. Within this context, we can characterize a consumer subculture because of:
- identifiable hierarchical social structure
- a set of shared beliefs and values
- unique jargon, rituals, and modes of symbolic expression