According to the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis our language shapes our reality. For example in the United States, we have many more negative words to describe women than to describe men. What are some other examples of language based reality shaping and how has this impacted your life?

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As a Latin girl, I can say that not only the stereotypes generated by language-based reality modeling have affected my life, but also those stereotypes related to Latinos. I have often been forced to hear that Latinos are scandalous, rude, starving, and rogues, this has made me miss some opportunities and even friendships, but we should all know that it is not right to associate these negative words with Latinos or any other kind of person.


The Whorf-Sapi hypothesis was created when Whorf and Sapir in studying the indigenous languages of North America came to the conclusion that language is not "an instrument of communication," as structuralist linguistics claims, but is a decisive factor in shaping world view. The "real world" is unconsciously constructed through the linguistic patterns of the human group to which it belongs.