a = 16
Δx = 16 arcosh(1.75) ≈ 18.541
Step-by-step explanation:
The position of the 16ft support is:
16 = a cosh(x₁ / a)
The position of the 28ft support is:
28 = a cosh(x₂ / a)
Solving for x:
x₁ = a arcosh(16/a)
x₂ = a arcosh(28/a)
The distance between the supports is:
x = x₂ − x₁
Δx = a arcosh(28/a) − a arcosh(16/a)
The distance is a maximum when the derivative is 0 or undefined.
dΔx/da = a [1 / √((28/a)² − 1)] (-28/a²) + arcosh(28/a) − a [1 / √((16/a)² − 1)] (-16/a²) − arcosh(16/a)
dΔx/da = [(-28/a) / √((28/a)² − 1)] + arcosh(28/a) − [(-16/a) / √((16/a)² − 1)] − arcosh(16/a)
Graphing this, we see the derivative is undefined at a = 16, where dΔx/da increases to positive infinity.
Evaluating Δx:
Δx = 16 arcosh(28/16) − 16 arcosh(16/16)
Δx = 16 arcosh(1.75) − 0
Δx ≈ 18.541
Here's a graph: