Respuesta :

3/4 = 6/8 = 9/12 = 12/16 = 15/20 = 18/24 = 21/28 = 24/32 = 27/36 = 30/40 = 33/44 = 36/48 = 39/52 = 42/56 = 45/60 = 48/64 = 51/68 = 54/72 = 57/76 = 60/80 = 63/84 = 66/88 = 69/92 = 72/96 = 75/100 = 78/104 = 81/108 = 84/112 = 87/116 = 90/120 = 93/124 = 96/128 = 99/132 = 102/136 = 105/140 = 108/144 = 111/148 = 114/152 = 117/156 = 120/160

Answer: 75/100

Step-by-step explanation:You need to multiply the denominator by another number that will give you 100 and get that number you used at the bottom at the top.