What is the historic importance of the two Punic Wars?

A. Rome's victories over Carthage in the Punic Wars positioned it as
the greatest power in the western Mediterranean and helped
launch wars of expansion across the entire Mediterranean region.

B. The Punic Wars resulted in the end of the Roman Empire and the
establishment of a more inclusive Republic.

C. After Hannibal's victory over Rome in the Second Punic War,
Carthage took control of Rome's empire and forced its people into

D. Rome's defeat by Greece's army in the Second Punic War marked
the end of Rome's attempts to expand militarily into the eastern
Mediterranean region.

Respuesta :


A, Most likely.


Rome really did become the greatest power in the Western Mediterranean and it was caused by the victories over Carthage. They then started wars of expansion, just as it says in the answer :)


Answer is A
