2. (a) Name the different layers of the atmosphere. (b) Explain how the temperature changes with elevation (altitude) in these layers of the atmosphere (c) Explain the reason behind such temperature-elevation pattern within each layer, (d) In a similar manner, how does the pressure change as a function of altitude in the atmosphere?

Respuesta :

Answer and Explanation:

a. The various layers of atmosphere are:

  • Troposphere
  • Stratosphere
  • Mesosphere
  • Thermosphere

Troposphere lies at a distance 30 km from the Earth's surface then at a distance of 50 km lies stratosphere then extending to a distance of 85 km lies mesosphere and then comes thermosphere which lies in between the  mesosphere and the exosphere which extends to a distance of 500 km.

b. There is a decrease in the  temperature with height in troposphere.

  • In stratosphere, the temperature rises with rise in elevation.
  • For mesosphere, the temperature diminishes with rise in height.
  • For the thermosphere the temperature increments with rise in elevation.

c. The troposphere is more sizzling close to the Earth's surface since warmth from the Earth warms this air.  

  • As the elevation expands the quantity of air atoms diminishes, in this way the normal of their Kinetic Energy diminishes.
  • The outcomes is a decline in air temperature with an expansion of elevation.
  • The Stratosphere has ozone layer. This layer retains a large portion of the UV radiation from sunlight. This outcomes in the stratosphere being hotter.
  • The Mesosphere, similar to the troposphere layer, has a reduction in temperature with elevation as a result of the reductions in the air atoms density.
  • The Thermosphere is heated by the retention of sun powered X-ray beams by the presence of oxygen and nitrogen atoms of  in their external layer. Consequently, the temperature of this layer rises with elevation                          

d. The connection among Pressure and height isn't as mind boggling as that with temperature in light of the fact that the Pressure diminishes as one move upwards in the climate this happens on the grounds that the quantity of air atoms decline with rise.