Respuesta :

What language? JavaScript? Python?

***NOTE: Since the programming language is not mentioned in the question, I am going to answer it in Python, Java, and C++, so that you have an option to choose a language of your choice.***


1. We need to ask a user to enter two numbers, a numerator and a divisor. So obviously we need to have two variable in order to store those values.

2. We have to display the quotient and the remainder. Although we do not need to have separate variables to those, as we can display them directly inside the print statement (of the respective programming language), it would, however, be a good practice to save them in the variables.

Please note that there is no requirement of checking the errors, but for simplicity, I am going to add one error-check when the user enters 0 as a divisor, which is not allowed (mathematically); otherwise, it would give you an error.

Also do not forget to read the comments within the code. Each and every step is explained.

Let's code it!

Python Code

# Prompt the user to input a numerator (number)

numerator = int(input("Enter a numerator: "))

# Prompt the user to input a divisor (number)

divisor = int(input("Enter a divisor: "))

# Making sure that the user does not enter 0 as a divisor

if divisor != 0:

   # We need to divide the numerator with the divisor to get the quotient

   quotient = numerator / divisor

   #We need to find the remainder by using the Modulus operator

   remainder = numerator % divisor


   #Now display both the remainder and the quotient using the print statement

   print("The quotient is: {}".format(int(quotient)))

   print("The remainder is: {}".format(remainder))


   print("Divisor cannot be equal to 0. Please rerun the program.")

Java Code

// First import Java Scanner module for taking inputs from the user

import java.util.Scanner;

public class HelloWorld{

    public static void main(String []args){

        // initialise the scanner

        Scanner input = new Scanner(System. in);

       // Prompt the user to input a numerator (number)

       System.out.print("Enter a numerator: ");

       int numerator = input.nextInt();

       // Prompt the user to input a divisor (number)

        System.out.print("\nEnter a divisor: ");

       int divisor = input.nextInt();

      // Making sure that the user does not enter 0 as a divisor

       if (divisor == 0) {

           System.out.println("Divisor cannot be equal to 0. Please rerun the program again.");



       // We need to divide the numerator with the divisor to get the quotient

       int quotient = numerator / divisor;

       // We need to find the remainder by using the Modulus operator

       int remainder = numerator % divisor;

       // Now print both the remainder and the quotient using System.out.println statement

       System.out.format("\nThe quotient is: %d\n", quotient);

       System.out.format("The remainder is: %d\n", remainder);



C++ Code

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


       int numerator = 0;

       int divisor = 0;

       // Prompt the user to input a numerator (number)

       cout<<"Enter a numerator: ";


       // Prompt the user to input a divisor (number)

       cout<<"Enter a divisor: ";


       // Making sure that the user does not enter 0 as a divisor

       if (divisor == 0) {

           cout<<"Divisor cannot be equal to 0. Please rerun the program again.";

           return -1;


       // We need to divide the numerator with the divisor to get the quotient

       int quotient = numerator / divisor;

       // We need to find the remainder by using the Modulus operator

       int remainder = numerator % divisor;

       // Now print both the remainder and the quotient using "cout" statement

       cout<<"\nThe quotient is: "<<quotient<<endl;

      cout<<"The remainder is: "<<remainder<<endl;

   return 0;
