Navier Stokes equation
( 1 ) it is a partial differential equation that is describe the flow of incompressible fluids
Reynolds equation
(1) it is partial differential equation that governs the pressure distribution of thin viscous fluid in lubrication
Navier Stokes equation
( 1 ) it is a partial differential equation that is describe the flow of incompressible fluids
(2) Navier Stokes equation is used to model weather and ocean current and water flow in the pipe and air flow around wing
( 3) equation is
[tex]\nabla .\overrightarrow{v} = 0[/tex] momentum equation
[tex]\rho \frac{d\overrightarrow{v}}{dt} = \nabla p + \rho \overrightarrow{g} + \mu \nabla ^2 v^2[/tex]
here [tex]\nabla p[/tex] is pressure gradient and [tex]\rho \overrightarrow{g}[/tex] is body force and [tex]\mu \nabla ^2 v^2[/tex] is diffusion term
Reynolds equation
(1) it is partial differential equation that governs the pressure distribution of thin viscous fluid in lubrication
(2) it is drive in 1886 from Navier Stokes law
(3) equation is attach