Respuesta :
- they will never be independant - if the child has speech problems, they will never be able to function properly by themselves - someone will always have to be there with them to encourage them or translate in a way that they could understand.
- bullying/prejudgice - if some people in the general public ever try communicate witg that kid and maybe find that he will 'ignore' them - they will probably judge him or call him rude. or maybe if the kid goes to school (as opposed to be homeschooled because of its condition) he/she might get bullied because of it.
- anxiety/depression/self-doubt or hate - even without bullies to make it worse, having speech problems is very stressful and frustrating for the kid as most of the time they think normally and they try to speak but nothing comes out or it comes out slurred even though it's clear in their minds. something you can't help is the fact that they might be angry at themselves or blame themselves for this, even though, obviously, it isn't anyone's fault.
ways in which you could remove some of these barriers is by constantly showing them affection and encouragement and making sure they are aware it is not their fault and that they are very special human beings and make sure that if they go to school, it is a non-judgemental, encouraging environment where they will be treated like any other.
although, you could also perhaps teach that child sign language and brail.