Which of the following most likely comes from a speech?
A. When you think me, what do you think of? Many of you know me personally. You know I am honest, hard-working, and
motivated. Aren't those the qualities you want in a student body president? Vote for me on Thursday, and I won't let you
The king seemed to shine as he walked beside the long table that held presents wrapped in glittering, colorful papers,
Looping bows rested on top of each one. Then, the king's eyes widened as he saw a small package wrapped in dirty
Today was not a good day. I wish I could start it over. I got in a fight with Alicia over something dumb, and at lunch she
began talking to a new group of friends. I feel like we have been building to this moment over the last few months.
D. Working at a job for the first time can be intimidating for teenagers. The lure of making money draws them to apply, and
then the reality of spending nights and weekends at a cash register begins to sink in.