Keyshawn didn't think much about being African American until he got to high school. Then he became painfully aware of his ethnic minority status. He still wants to do well in school and become a lawyer like his uncle, but he feels alienated when he's at school. His African American friends from middle school are not interested in academics, and Keyshawn doesn't have much in common with them anymore. His racial-ethnic identity seems to be:

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The best answer to the question: His racial-ethnic identity seems to be:___, in regards to Keyshaw, an African American student who starts to realize the differences that exist between himself and his school peers as he became aware of his status as member of an ethnic minority, would be: marginalizing him, or causing marginality.


Ethnicity, and especially ethnic identity when it comes to racial and ethnic minorities, can become a difficult issue to handle in the face of these minorities being in the middle of larger groups of ethnic majority. Keyshaw is an African American, member of a minority, and he becomes aware of this during his school years. When this realization happens, Keyshaw begins to feel different from the others in his group, friends or no friends, and starts to discover that there are other differences that also make him different from the larger group. As a result of this process of awareness, Keyshaw´s ethnic identity is driving him to become isolated, differentiated and marginalized from the larger group, and this is called marginality.