-Se enferma a menudo.
-Siempre llega al consultorio a tiempo.
-Se chequea por lo menos una vez cada año.
-Tengo que volver pronto.
-Así que tengo que ir al centro caminando.
-El examen fue bastante difícil.
In this exercise you have to complete the blanks with the correct words. You can do that taking into account the meaning of the words that are around the blanks.
- Tito is not a healthy child. He gets ill... (easily, frequently, etc.)
- Dr Garrido is very punctual. He always comes to the office... (at time)
- My mother visits the doctor frequently. She goes to her doctorfor regular check-ups (at least) once a year.
- I went to the doctor last year. I have to go again... (soon)
- I arrived late to the bus station, (so, therefore) I have to go to the center walking.
- The exam was (quite) difficult.