what did Pythagoras study in his most famous musical experiment

A. effect of music on human behavior

B. relationship of a right triangle yo music

C. proper techniques for playing stringed instruments

D. acoustics of string

next question

according to the doctrine of ethos what does music have the power yo directly influence in a person

A. moral character

B. education

c. health

d. happiness

next question

what did the Roman military use to communicate battle orders

a. flutes

b. drums

c. lyres

d. brass instruments

next question

which society viewed music primarily as entertainment rather than art

A. Roman

b. Egyptian

c. Chinese

d. Greek

next question

which modern musical instrument is descended from the hydraulis

A. guitar

b. organ

c. oboe

d. harp

next question

which ancient Greek believed and proposed that music should he part of the education of young citizens

A. Socrates

b. Pythagoras

c. Plato

d. achilles

next question

what was the main role of music in Roman society

A. it was an important part of education for all Roman citizens

B. the Romans censored music according to the doctrine of ethos

c. the Roman government required the elite members of society to master an instrument

D. they Romans used music mainly as accompaniment for certain events suck as festivals and games

next question

which element of music specified by these symbols

pic is at top

next question

which rhythmic notes are pictured

A. four quarter notes

b. four eighth notes

C. four whole notes.

D. for sixteenth notes

what did Pythagoras study in his most famous musical experiment A effect of music on human behavior B relationship of a right triangle yo music C proper techniq class=

Respuesta :


1. D

2. A

3. D

4. D

5. B

6. C

7. D


  1. Option-(D): Acoustic of string.
  2. Option-(A): Moral character.
  3. Option-(D): Brass instruments.
  4. Option-(D):Greek.
  5. Option-(B): Organ.
  6. Option-(C): Plato.
  7. Option-(D): The Romans censored music according to the doctrine of ethos.
  8. Option-(B): Four eighth notes.


Now we know that Pythagoras study in his most famous musical experiment on the acoustic of strings. While, moral character is directly influenced by music as per the doctrine of ethos.

Rome was once a great and strong military might, as it had a number of warriors to fight for the country and it will be more amazing to know that the Roman military used to communicate the battle orders through the brass instruments. The Greeks are believed to be one of the first or we can say one of the primary societies how had the idea of having music as the source of entertainment for the masses rather then just a field of arts. Organ is believed to be originated from the very familiar form of musical instrument called as the hydraulis. Music is recognized as the source of peace and harmony by many historians and other well known figures that lived on the face of this land many centuries ago, and among them Plato had no different idea about music,as he encouraged the idea of having music as the part of education for kids. While, the Romans censored music according to the doctrine of ethos. And, the provided picture of the rhythmic notes are the four eighth notes of music.