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The DNA fingerprinting technique and development and comparison of physical fingerprints can be the methods used for the purpose of solving crimes and identification of missing person.  

The DNA fingerprinting can be done from the physical evidences such as blood, sweat, hair, tissues, teeth and other material obtain at crime scene. These can be compared with the suspects, victim and missing persons so as to establish their identity.

The physical fingerprints can be developed on the scene of crime and compared with the requested specimen from suspect, victim and the missing person or in case of impersonation to establish the desired identity.

This is about methods of getting evidence from a crime scene.

The 2 major methods and their benefits are explained below.

  • There are two major methods used and they are;

DNA Fingerprinting Technique

Physical Fingerprinting

  • 1) The DNA fingerprinting is carried out by the use of human physical evidences gotten at the crime scene such as hair, blood, sweat, teeth e.t.c. What this method does is to carry out genetic tests on these things to find out if they can be compared with that of the person or persons they are seeking to identify in relation with the crime scene.

The main benefit of this method is that it can be used to create genetic profiles for suspected offenders as well as storing these results indefinitely to aid in future investigations.

  • 2) The physical fingerprinting is used to link one crime scene of someone to another one crime scene of same person. This is good because no two persons can have the same fingerprint.

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