1. How is power divided and balanced between the people and the government? Between the states and the federal government? Between the branches of government?

Respuesta :


Was our governmental system designed to allow for 583 elite few in one city rule a nation of 314 million?  Or have one law fit every person or situation for that nation of 314 million?  Well, to answer that question, let’s start with the separation of powers.  We all remember learning the balance of powers relating to the federal government, that diagram showing the delineation of power between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches and how each branch is supposed to check the other.

But, did you know there is another separation of power diagram between the Federal and the State governments? I never really knew that but its truth here buddy i find that law is very interesting job and subject


The Government has many branches in U.S.A. And people have the right to vote and reject the person who is trying to run for office if there is enough vote's the person will be declined and will be turned down for the job. But if there is enough vote's then the guy will get too run. Three Branches of Government. Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). And theses branches can do whatever they want as long as everyone agrees's with it.

The President has the right too fire employees or put them on hold till further notice or they can be fired then they have a back up come in for the job and wait till the next job. Appointment of inferior officers

The requirement that the President can appoint inferior officers only when Congress has "by Law vest[ed]" that power in the President sought to preclude that possibility.