Alpha decay: In this process, alpha particles is emitted when a heavier nuclei decays into lighter nuclei. The alpha particle released has a charge of +2 units.
[tex]_Z^A\textrm{X}\rightarrow _{Z-2}^{A-4}+_2^4\alpha[/tex]
[tex]_5^{10}\textrm{B}\rightarrow _{3}^{6}Li+_2^4\alpha[/tex]
Beta-decay: In this process, a neutron gets converted into a proton and an electron releasing a beta-particle. The beta particle released carries a charge of -1 units.
[tex]_Z^A\textrm{X}\rightarrow _{Z+1}^A\textrm{Y}+_{-1}^0\beta[/tex]
[tex]_{55}^{133}\textrm{Cs}\rightarrow _{56}^{133}\textrm{Ba}+_{-1}^0\beta[/tex]