Binding is the association of an object with its attributes, operations, or name there are many different types of bindings and bindings can occur at different times .
for example:
1)language definition time binding: for example-binding * to multiplication
2)language implementation time binding: int size and operations
3)compile time binding: binding type to a variable
for instance in int x; x will be treated as an int from here forward
4)link time binding: binding function name to a specific function definition
5)load time binding: binding variable to memory location
6)run time binding: binding variable to memory location or bind a polymorphic variable to specific class type .
binding time for the
a)6 run time binding
b)1 language definition time binding
c)2 language implementation time binding
d)5 load time binding
e)4 link time binding
f)3 compile time binding
g)3 compile time binding:
h)6 run time binding