Convert these unlike fractions to equivalent like fractions and add them. You must use the LCD to get the answer correct. If possible, reduce the final sum.


Respuesta :

Answer: Find the lowest common denominator of the 2 denominators

Step-by-step explanation:

The common in both denominator is 15.

3: 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30

5: 5,10,15,20,25.30,35,40,43,50

Since 5x3 is 15, 1/5 x 3/3= 3/15

Since 3x5 is 15, 2/3 x 5/5= 10/15

3/15 is equivalent to 1/5 and 10/15 is equivalent to 2/3.

3/15 + 10/15 is equal to 13/15

13/15 can't be simplified because they are both odd numbers and they have less than 2 factors.

Hope this helped! Have a nice day! :D