1.Which of the following is true about indentured servant's but not slaves? Select all that apply.

(A).they worked for 4 to 7 years and then were freed from servitude
(B).They worked harder
(C).They were less likely to run away
(D). They were immigrants. Who were typically poor white and young

Georgia slave code was modeled after the code for which of the following colonies?

(A). Virginia
(B). Tennessee
(C). South Carolina
(D). Florida

Which of the following describes a provision of the 1770s slave code?

A)The offspring of slaves were to be the personal property of their parents and were to remain slaves for life

B)A person would have to pay 10 shillings if they import a slave on the Lord's day unless the work was absolutely necessary

C)A white person can earn 20 pounds if they thought a slave to read and write

D) slaves could travel outside the plantation limits or a town in the company of a responsible person only on the Lord's day

Normally I hate pity parties but I was absent when we learnt this in class so could u help me with my hw problems? Thx