your credit score is based on various aspects of your financial situation which of the following is not a factor that contributes to your credit score? A.Payment history B.Length of credit history C.Marital status D. Debt ratio

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Step-by-step explanation:

Credit Score is a numerical expression which analyzes a person's credit level by looking at this financial conditions. Will he/she be worthy of loan or not.

payment history comprises 35% of a person's credit score. This is a huge factor. If you consistently make your payments on time, your credit score increases.

length of credit history tells how secure you will be to lenders. Usually 7 years+ is a great length of credit history. This pretty much affects credit score.

marital status doesn't affect credit score. Lenders assess a person based on their financial condition and past activity, NOT whether or not he/she is married or not. That's personal agenda.

debt ratio is the ratio of total debt to total assets. If this is high, it means a person owes money to banks/individuals and is more likely to be not given credit. It affects credit score highly.

THus, the correct answer is C



Step-by-step explanation:

Universidad de Mexico