Percentaje CEO's earnign tied to the profits = 7,76%
As you can se in the equation there are two veariables that are independent, that are π ,and S, according with the information you have to replace the variables with the amount of money of sales and profit.
W = 512,000 + 217π + 10.08S
W= 512,000 + 217 ($200) + 10.08($400)
W = 512,000 +$43,400+ 4032
π is the variable tied to the profits, it means that $43,400 correspond to the amount of money that the CEO will receive for the profit
W= $559,432
Now you have to calculate the percentage that the profits representing in the total compensation,
Percentaje profits =( $43,400/559,432)
Percentaje Profits = 7,76%