A soil's infiltration capacity A. typically increases when dense vegetation is present at ground level. B. is eliminated on bare soils. C. is a measure of how much sunlight a given type of soil can absorb. D. has little effect on POTET.

Respuesta :


Option (A)


The infiltration process refers to the downward percolation of water through the soils and gets mixed up with the groundwater. This plays an important role in the water cycle. This water percolation depends upon the following factors, such as-

(1) Rate of precipitation

(2) Type of soil

(3) vegetation cover

(4) Slope of the land surface

(5) Porosity and permeability of the soil (rock).

The rate of infiltration increases with the increasing vegetation cover in that particular area. The plants absorb the water by their roots during rainfall, and this water can flow towards the deeper parts of the roots. The excess water is then allowed to pass through the interconnected pores within the soil (rock), and eventually gets added to the groundwater.

Thus, the presence of dense vegetation in an area favors the rate of the infiltration process.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).