The correct answer to the question: What is an example of one of these so-called cures? regarding the treatment of autism spectrum disorder, would be: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment, or medicine, is a whole set of procedures in which a personĀ“s body is exposed to oxygen at higher pressure levels than it is commonly found in normal air, to ensure an increase in the oxygenation of body tissues as the lungs are able to capture the increased amount of pure oxygen and the blood will take it to the tissues. This procedure has been used in several treatments, especially in patients with serious infections, or people with wounds caused by diabetes, and which will not close. The principle behind it is that the exposure of the body to this amount of oxygen will enhance the proliferation of stem cells, and the release of growth factors to promote healing. However, there are several other medical conditions in which this therapy is being used, but research has not shown it has any positive effects on the patient; one of these conditions is ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).