6 cruch and 2 labor
provides 6 x 125 + 2 x 250 = 1,250
2x + 1y = 125
2x+ 3y = 250
contribution per letter writing:
125 / 2 = 75
250 / 2 = 125
contribution per call hour:
125 / 1 = 125
125 / 3 = 41.67
The church provides better yield per constrain resourse so first we use church
maximum church group possible:
letters 16/2 = 8
calls 12 / 1 = 12
the maximum amount possible is 8 but doing so
leave unsued capacity for the follow-up calls.
Therefore is better to reduce the cruch meetings to use the entire capacity leaving a combination of:
6 church x 2 letter = 12
2 labor union x 2 letter = 4
total 16
6 church x 1 hs call = 6
2 labor union x 3 hs call = 6
total 12