Crust, Upper mantle, mantle, outer core, inner core
The Earth's layers have been clasified in 5 according to the materials that conform them, theri physical properties, strengths and also their state of matter. We all know how the outer layer of the Earth looks like, but if we start to dig a huge hole we are going to see different types por materials due to a change in pressure, temperature, and other factors. At the very center of the Earth there's what's called "core". The core is liquid and at extremely high temperatures. This is because of the enormous amount of pressure the rest of the Earth is putting it under. So, if we list the different layers of the Earth according to the materials they are made of, from the Earth's surface to the core, the answer is:
1) Crust (surface)
2) Upper Mantle
3) Mantle
4) Outer core
5) Inner core
In some books you may find a layer called Lithosphere. Tis layer consists not only of the crust, but also it contains the transition zone between the upper mantle and the crust.