Respuesta :
1. A Marina se le “cayó” la bolsa.
2.A ti se te “olvidó” comprarme la medicina.
3. A nosotros se nos “quedaron” los libros en el auto.
4. A Ramón y a Pedro se les “daño” el proyecto.
Answer: These are the right answers:
1. A Marina se le cayó la bolsa.
2. A ti se te olvidó comprarme la medicina.
3. A nosotros se nos quedaron los libros en el auto.
4. A Ramón y a Pedro se les dañó el proyecto.
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can also be added that in this exercise they are asking you to use the correct form of the verb in brackets, so it agrees with the direct object. All these verbs use the reflexive pronoun "se," as well as personal pronouns in the dative case, since they refer to the person, or persons, who performed the action. So, for instance, in the first sentence, since what Marina dropped was a bag, which is a singular word, the correct form of the reflexive verb is "cayó" (the bag), not "cayeron" (the keys, for instance).