Carla wants to start a new software company, but she lives in a remote community where few skilled software programmers live. Which cost-effective strategy for building her workforce?

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The correct answer is: Use the Internet and other technologies to hire remote employees who want to telecommute.


Currently, teleworking is one of the options most contemplated by companies, as it increases the productivity of its employees while reducing operating costs and meets the demands of a globalized and interconnected society.

“It is a form of labor organization that consists of the performance of remunerated activities or provision of services to third parties, using information and communication technologies - ICT - as support for the contact between the worker and the company, without requiring the presence worker's physics at a specific job site. ”

Within companies there are many activities that do not need the physical presence of those who execute them and can be done remotely through information and communication technologies, which are the livelihood of teleworking.

The Internet allows an employee of the company to meet its objectives from wherever it is located, either by remote access to the company's tools, such as by conducting videoconferences and storing information in the cloud