What period(s) show the most rapid increase in adipose tissue?
a. during the first 6 postnatal months in both boys and girls
b. In preadolescence and adolescence in girls
c. In preadolescence and adolescence in boys
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c

Respuesta :


a and b


The growth of adipose tissue in newborns is directly linked to the fact that they do not have proper body temperature control, so fat acts as a thermal insulator in order to maintain a constant temperature, also, breast milk density can also influence baby fat gain.

For the first six months the baby still has a lot of fluid retention and so it may give the impression that he is getting fatter, but after the first six months until the end of the first year, the baby tends to lose this fluid, decreasing on average 10% of body weight.

Girls in adolescence and pre-adolescence have a tendency to gain weight due to the enormous hormonal load they receive at puberty, as well as other factors such as poor diet.

The same does not happen as often in boys because a good part tends to have a "leap" growth in puberty, favoring weight loss. The process of fattening in teenage boys is more associated with sedentary practices and consumption of junk food.