The answer to the question: How were federal troops used in the Pullman Strike of 1894? Would be: To help suppress the strikers on behalf of the owners.
The Pullman Strike was a nationwide strike that affected the railroad system. Initiated by the workers of the Pullman Company in Chicago, this strike turned into a much bigger problem when workers did not just stop working at the company, but began also preventing trains from moving, affecting especially the delivery of mail. Several steps were taken in order to demobilize the strike, but in the end, given the level of disruption the strike was generating, President Grover Cleveland decided to intervene and sent in federal troops to disperse the issue. The result was not as expected, however, and there were several murders, and a lot of abuse, on the part of the troops. In the end the strike was resolved, and the troops fulfilled their duty for the welfare of the Pullman Company owner, George Pullman.