Think of a person who did something morally right, at least to your way of thinking. (This is not a matter of finding something they did well, like efficiently changing a tire, but something good.) What was it? Explain to your classmates why you think it was right. What is the basic principle that forms the basis for your judgment that it was right?

Respuesta :


I was on a trip with my friend from the province in which I live to the province where she lives .

When we got there after eight hours in a bus the guy who was sitting just next to us dropped his wallet , I didn't see it but my friend did.

I saw her rushing to the guy to give it back and the guy was so relieved and shocked at the same time I think he did not believe it .

He kept thanking her constantly and telling her how many important things he would have lost.

I think this is a good thing because it resulted to my friend being happy and someone else also being happy .

It showed that my friend is indeed a good person .

I think this we can associate with the principle of virtue ethics.

Being good start with who you want to be as a person.
