Respuesta :
1. If in MS Access, Click on Query design, select the required Table.
In Field select required field, in this case Select [Name of Plants]. Click on Order and set it as Ascending / Descending.
2. If you want to write a Query that it will look like this
SELECT MedicinalPlants.Name of the plantsFROM MedicinalPlantsORDER BY MedicinalPlants.Name of the Plants;
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DQL stands for Data query language.
This operation allows the user to query and retrieve the desired information from the database table. Now the requirement is to view the names of the plant in alphabetical order. Here, the name of the database say “Medicinal_Plants_Uses” and let us keep the name of the table as “Plant_info” and let us assume that the column name to retrieve is “Plant_name”. The query is given below:
Select Plant_name
from Plant_info
orderby Plant_name asc
Here orderby stands for arranging the selected value in alphabetical order and “asc” clause is to arrange from a to z and “desc” clause is to arrange data from z to a.