the bones of the thorax (ribs, sternum and thoracic vertebrae) form a cage which protects many of the body's vital organs.
The Axial skeleton
This is the main body including the pelvis, thorax, and skull (excluding the arms and legs).
The Proximal skeleton
The femur and humerus (ie the bones proximal to the Axial skeleton)
The Distal skeleton
The lower legs (tibia, fibula, and feet bones) and lower arm (radius, ulna, and bones of the hand). The Proximal and Distal skeleton are sometimes collectively referred to as bones of the extremities.
The spine
The spine is divided into 5 main areas and each bone (verebrae) has a letter and number:
Cervical vetebrae C1 - C7
the neck region. C1 is the upper most vertebrae.
Thoracic vertabrae T1 - T12
vertebrae of the upper body (thorax)
Lumbar vertebrae L1 - L5
vertebrae of the lower back
Bones of the sacrum S1 - S5
vertebra within the pelvic girdle. These bones fuse together between ages 16 and 18.
The coccyx Co1 - Co4
The lower tip of the spine. These bones fuse together between ages 20 to 30.