
. Jennifer fell off her motorcycle and tore a nerve in her axillary region. She also tore ligaments in her cervical and scapular regions and broke the only bone of her right brachial region. Explain where each of her injuries is located.

Respuesta :


  • Axillary region: Armpit
  • Cervical region: neck
  • Scapular Region: Scapula
  • Brachial region: Arm


In the axillary region is located the suspensory ligament of the axilla, the collectors and lymph nodes and the adipose lamina. This blade is the functional unit of the shoulder joint, as it allows interscapulothoracic sliding. It consists of a simple greasy pouch that makes all the armpit structures slide together allowing shoulder movements.

In anatomy, the cervical region is called the portion of the spine that forms the neck. It consists of seven vertebrae. Which are separated by intervertebral discs.

The scapular region is located in the scapula which is a large, even, flat bone located in the postero-superior portion of the thorax, which together with the clavicle forms the scapular or shoulder girdle, allowing the union of each upper limb to the trunk.

The brachial region corresponds to a part of the arm. The name of this region is given due to the brachial muscle which is a muscle located in the ulna that provides the elbow joint tension.