Sally has a desire to eat a steak with a baked potato smothered with butter and sour cream. One component of her personality tells her, because she is overweight, that instead of eating the meal, she should fast and direct her efforts to ending world hunger. Another component suggests that it would be better to eat a salad and a bran muffin, then run two miles. The fasting suggestion most likely was made by which component of personality?

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Superego is the moral aspect of an individual's personality, according to Sigmund Freud's Theory of Psychoanalysis. The superego is responsible for taming and repressing primitive instincts based on moral and cultural values. It's the superego that is repressing Sally's desire to eat because she's overweight and because there are so many starving people in the world.

Alongside the Id and the Ego, the Superego composes the so-called Personality Theory, developed by Freud in the framework of his studies on psychoanalysis.