Respuesta :


Potassium  have many duties as an important mineral in our body. It helps in regulation of muscle contractions, fluid balance and maintenance of healthy nerve function. Potassium deficiency ( hypokalemia) is characterized by a blood potassium level below 3.5mmol/liter. It occurs when our body loses a lot of fluid. Common causes include diarrhoea,excessive sweating and blood loss.  8 signs & symptoms of potassium deficiency are:

  • Weakness & fatigue
  • Muscle cramps & spasms
  • Digestive disorders like bloating & constipation
  • Heart palpitations can cause arrhythmia
  • Muscle aches & stiffness
  • Tingling & numbness
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Mood changes

Sources of potassium are:

Fruits , vegetables, beans & nuts

Lists of food which are excellent source of potassium along with the percentage of RDI found in a 100 gram serving:

Beet greens, cooked: 26% of the RDI

Yams, baked: 19% of the RDI

White beans, cooked: 18% of the RDI  

Clams, cooked: 18% of the RDI

White potatoes, baked: 16% of the RDI  

Sweet potatoes, baked: 14% of the RDI

Avocado: 14% of the RDI  

Pinto beans, cooked: 12% of the RDI  

Bananas: 10% of the  RDI