d. they are not associated with disease
Biofilms are a collection of microorganisms entangled in an organic polymer matrix that are attached to a surface. Thus, for biofilms to form, the presence of three basic ingredients is essential: microorganisms, glycocalyx and surface. If one of these components is removed from the mixture, a biofilm does not develop. Biofilms are formed by the deposition and adhesion of microorganisms on a contact surface, forming a matrix of exopolysaccharides where they begin their growth. Biofilms provide a protective barrier to the organisms that compose it and may inhibit the action of disinfectants and some drugs.
Biofilms develop into any moist substance, which can be teeth, contact lenses, marble caps, clothing, or any other surface.
The formation of biofilms on surfaces that come into contact with food may cause contamination and, consequently, cause foodborne diseases in humans and animals. They are a concern for the food industry because when present on food production line equipment they are difficult to remove and can withstand sanitizers, thus contaminating food and causing consumer illness and financial loss to the industry. Milk and milk processing industries are very susceptible to biofilm formation because milk is rich in nutrients and has a diverse and abundant microbiota.