Respuesta :

England wanted to establish an American colony to increase her wealth and power. England hoped to find silver and gold in America. An American settlement would furnish raw materials that could not be grown or obtained in England, while opening new markets for trade.

English monarchs and investors were motivated to build colonies in America because there were many natural resources there, such as gold and silver. Furthermore, there were many other motives behind the establishment of American colonies by English.




Economic motives were certainly the most effective in sponsoring colonization:

• Among all of those, there were surplus capital accumulation and the profit motive. Wealthy businessmen were looking for opportunities to endow their money. Joint companies sold shares to venturers and allowed them to share the high costs and risks of establishing colonies as business operations.

• The predominant economic theory of mercantilism emphasized the need for a country to accumulate valuable metals - Britain hoped to find gold in the colonies.

• Therefore, Britain wanted to secure important raw materials from its colonies instead of paying valuable coins to other countries.

• Market needs for England’s manufacturing surplus contended for the founding of a market that was seized in the form of colonies.

• Among individual invaders a simple desire to own land, supply was scarce in Europe, and enjoy a better life.



The Protestant Reformation gave rise to disagreeing sects who aggressively required to worship according to their thoughts rather than adjusting to the religious uniformity need by the Anglican Church. Non-conforming religious sects were mistreated as treason for the king. These people were trying to flee to America where the empty land and far from the mother country offered them a place to settle down and follow their conscience in matters of religion.



• The enclosure movement, taking land from cultivation and turning it into pasture for sheep, were producing a surplus population. Rearing sheep, more profitable than traditional agriculture, need fewer workers. The new lands in America gave unemployed people a place to work. Also, the surplus was happening in the upper-classes as second and third sons were seeking work because Britain was not a battle.

• The desire for adventure - new opportunities and experiences - moved others to go to America.

• Involved the desire for religious freedom was the desire of some people who opposed the monarchy for a larger degree of political freedom than they had in England.

• The British government also wanted to deteriorate Spain by building military and naval posts.



If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

• During the colonial period, most of the slaves sent to the North American colonies were supplied by the ________.

• Which colony legalized slavery in 1661?

KEYWORDS : American Colonialization, English Monarch

Subject  : History

Class  : 7-9

Sub-Chapter : American History