To search 110 is in list we key comparisons binary search will make are option
(A) 3
First the start =0 and end =8 and midindex=4.
So 110 will be compared to element at index 4 that is 45 since 110 is greater than 45 so start will be updated as start=midindex +1.
start=5 , end =8 and midindex=6.
Element at index 6 is 100 so 110 will be compared to 100 since it is greater so again start will be updated midindex+1.
start=7,end=8 midindex=7
element at index 7 is 120 so 110 will be compared to 120 since it is smaller than 120 end will be updated as midindex -1.
Now we have start > end .So the loop will finish execution.
Comparison made are 3.