Respuesta :
The most seriously and irreversibly affected organs are heart, kidney, lung pancreas and spleen.
Virus, bacteria and fungi are the main causes of sepsis. Insertion of a tube into vein leads to the entry of bacteria into blood stream. During this period there is a release of certain immune chemicals into the bloodstream which further leads to the formation of blood clots and leaky blood vessels. As a result blood flow gets compromised and that leads to the deprivation of oxygen and the main nutrients needed in the organ to function leads to organ damage. Sepsis results from an infection which is confined to one organ of body such as lung, skin & abdomen.
Symptoms of Sepsis:
- Fever
- Chills
- Rashes
- Confusion
- Disorientation
- Fast breathing & heart rate
Diagnosis of Sepsis:
- Blood tests are done to detect whether there is an abnormal no.of white blood cells, presence of bacteria or any other infectious agents
- Chest X ray and CT scan is done for detecting the location of infection
Treatment of Sepsis:
Doctors treat the patient suffering from sepsis in ICU. Their main role is to prevent the drop in blood pressure, infection and prevent the vital organs. They use antibiotic medications and fluids Most severely affected patients will need surgery, dialysis and breathing tubes for the removal of infection.