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The fastest lions are able to catch prey such as zebras similarly fastest zebras are able to escape predatory lions. Over the time lion and zebra populations become composed of faster and faster individuals. This is an example of coevolution.
Coevolution is the process in which two or more species play an important role by putting exertion on pressure selections between each other or on each other. Examples of coevolution are: host & parasite, predator & prey, symbiont interactions. Co evolution are most likely to happen because different animal species have close ecological interactions with each other. As one species changes, the another will also make the matching changes so which could help in the survival of species. There are two types of evolution: mutualistic & competitive. In mutualistic coevolution, two species take advantages from each other and develop gradually. In competitive coevolution prey will also develop some features to prevent themselves from being eaten.Then predators will begin to develop some features or traits which will help them so that they can eat their prey. Features which predator develop to get or hunt their prey are: speed, a good sight sense & smell, hearing power, stealth, camouflage, immunity to prey's poison, poison or venom to kill their prey and right kind of digestive system. Features or prey are: Good sense of sight & smell, efficient hearing power, camouflage, thorns and poison. In snowy and cold environments, the polar bear is white to avoid being caught by seal and the seal pup is also white in order to getting identified by polar bear.