Here is code in Python:
#function to swap first and last element of the list
#and calculate product of all elements of list
def fun3(e):
product = 1
temp = e[0]
e[0] = e[-1]
e[-1] = temp
for a in e:
product *= a
return product
#create a list
inp_lst = [4, 1, 2, -1]
#call the fun3() with parameter inp_lst
print("product of all elements of list is: ",fun3(inp_lst))
#print the list after swapping
print("list after swapping first and last element: ",inp_lst)
Create a list "inp_lst" and initialize it with [4,1,2,-1]. In the function fun3() pass a list parameter "e". create a variable "product" to calculate the product of all elements.Also create a temporary variable to swap the first and last element of the list.
product of all elements of list is: -8
list after swaping first and last element: [-1, 1, 2, 4]