1. How does the failed government response to Hurricane Katrina—at federal, state, and local levels—reflect the politics of federalism? What kinds of changes are necessary to prevent similar failures in the future? What constraints does the Constitution set on possible solutions to failed coordination across multiple levels of government?
2. How has federalism evolved or changed since the writing of the Constitution, particularly in terms of the establishment of national supremacy? What are the causes and consequences of these changes?
3. What is the proper boundary of Congress’s commerce power? How has the Court interpreted the Commerce Clause in the past? What do recent cases such as U.S. v. Lopez (1995) and U.S. v. Morrison (2000) suggest about the direction of a new politics of federalism?
4. Given the growth of the scope and power of the national government, are state governments still necessary in the American political process?
5. Does federalism create a more democratic political system? Why or why not, and how?

Respuesta :

tell me why i got this question got it right and now won’t remember but i’ll get back at you when i remember

2. When federalism was first established by the constitution, national government dealt with national defense, foreign policy, and fostering commerce, while the states dealt with local matters, economic regulation, and criminal law. The states’ and the national governments had very distinct jobs and responsibilities.