Respuesta :
The question above is intended to assess your perception of how laws are produced, voted on, and passed in a region. For that reason, it's not right for me to write an answer for you, but I'll show you how to write it.
First, you must identify an element of your city that needs to be regulated by a law, which does not exist, but which must be formulated.
Based on this, write a text that presents this law and shows its importance in drafting and approving it.
You can place this order as follows:
- Show the element of the city that needs to be regulated and how it should be done.
- Show the importance of passing a law for this element.
- Show how this will benefit citizens.
Don't forget that this is a political document and therefore must be written in formal language.
To make a flowchart that shows how laws are voted and passed, you can use the following information:
- A representative must submit a bill.
- The committee should set a day for this bill to be debated and voted on.
- On voting day, the bill will need to receive the vote of 50%+1 of the representatives, that is, 218 representatives must approve the bill.
- The bill is then sent to the Senate to be debated and voted on.
- If 50%+1 of the senators vote in favor of the bill, it will be approved and sent to the President of the Republic.
- If the President of the Republic approves, the bill becomes a law.
An example of a flowchart can be seen in the figure below.
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