All manifestations of mitosis noted so far occur in animal and plant cells, and there are two differences between them. Astral and anastral mitosis: In astral mitosis, the centrioles of the animal cell are involved in the fibers of the aster. Anastral mitosis, on the other hand, is when we don't find both centrioles and asters in plants.
The other difference is Cytokinesis: In animal cells, since there is no cell wall, there is a strangulation of the plasma membrane, and cytokinesis is called centripetal. In plant cells, due to the presence of a cell wall, it is not possible to have a strangulation division. What occurs is an agglomeration in the equatorial region of vesicles originated from the Golgi complex. These vesicles unite, forming a thin strip, separating the daughter cells. After this process, the synthesis of the cell walls extends from the center to the periphery, under the name of the centrifugal division.