Respuesta :
- a) mixture
- c) homogeneous mixture
- d) solution
The relevant definitions that you must know to answer this question are:
Pure substance: matter that has a unique fixed (invariable) uniform composition. Only elements and compounds are pure substances.
Element: matter formed by one single kind of atoms. For instance, hydrogen, oxygen, sodium. There are 118 known elements and they are all listed in the periodic table.
Compound: pure substances formed by two or more kind of atoms. For instance: H₂O, CO₂, NaOH, CH₃OH. Every compound has its own chemical compositon. There are infinetely many different compounds.
Mixture: a mixture is a combination of two or more pure substances, in any proportion. Each pure substance retains its own properties in the mixture.
Homogeneous mixture: a mixture in which the components cannot be distinguished by physical media. Alll the components are in the same phase and the compositon of the mixture is uniform.
Solutions: homogeneous mixtures.
Heterogeneous mixture: mixtures in which the individual components can be distinguished by physical media. E.g. the mixture of sand and water.
With that you can go through each choice:
a) mixture: Correct. Indeed air is a mixture because it is formed by several compounds (carbon dioxide, CO₂) and other gases.
b) heterogeneous mixture: Wrong. It is not heterogeneous because its components are evenly distributed throughout the sample of air and they cannot be distinguished one from each other by physical media.
c) homogeneous mixture: Correct. This is a homogeneous mixture, for the same reason explained in b)
d) solution: Correct. Solutions are homogeneous mixtures.
e) pure chemical substance: Wrong. Pure chemical substances are composed either by one kind of atoms or one kind of compound. Since there are several different elements and compouds this is not a pure chemical substance.
f) compound: Wrong. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is a compound, but there are other compounds and elements present in the sample of air.
g) element: Wrong. Oxygen is an element (it has only oxygen atoms), but there are other elements and compounds.