Research and discuss the role of women historically and present. What were some of the abuses of women? Consider the role women play in today’s society, are they still subject to similar abuse? Use ideas from the stories you have read in this course as well as from outside sources for support in analyzing women historically and present.

Respuesta :


women use to stay behind and take care of their families whilst men go to war or to work.

They had to find means to raise their kids , clothes them and feed them.

They were not allowed to receive any form of education but were only expected to get married and have kids.

Women were not allowed to have any voice or comments but to listen to what they are being told , every thing was decided by their fathers or their husbands without their consent .

Their roles were to bear kids, work hard to feed and take care of the family which included hours of travelling to fetch water in most African countries for example .

Role of women in the present culture

Even thought most countries have achieved the gender equity but still in some countries women still face the same issues such as in most African countries and Asian countries.

These are the countries which still believe in arranged marriages for their daughters where in most cases the woman still has no say in the matter.

Most countries though have been liberated in such that roles of women and men are almost equal in a manner that a woman can now go to school and even study further to enter into those careers that were seen as man based careers.

They can work in places that were male dominated this happens in countries such as America .

Women now can be able to choose not to have kids or not to get married without the fear that they may be banished from their household for that decision.
