The loyalty scale is a concept of the evolution of customers within a company, where we can follow the evolution of customer proximity, measure customer satisfaction and contribution to the company. This scale has several levels being the first level called satisfaction, where the customer makes a purchase or more than one and is satisfied. After satisfaction, the customer makes more and more purchases, at this point we can already consider that he is loyal to the company for the repetition of events.
The next level of the scale represents that customer loyalty has brought benefits to the company by referring new customers, as Word of Mouth's famous word-of-mouth has had an effect. This customer who tells his friends about the company, seeing that his friends also have the satisfaction, considers himself a brand evangelist, we can easily see that in Apple products.
At the bottom step of the loyalty scale, call ownership, where the customer helps build the company, buys everything, points out to his friends, and defends the company above all. This is where Georgeanna is at.