10 hours per week in 20 years, 20 hours per week in 10 years or 40 hours per week in 5 years.
According to the author Malcolm Gladwel, with his book “Outliers. The success story ”, says that to achieve excellence, you must have an accumulation of 10,000 hours of practice, this means 10 hours per week in 20 years, 20 hours per week in 10 years or 40 hours per week in 5 years.
The author analyzes the importance of culture, family, friends, ancestors and other determining factors in the success of his projects.
Gladwell cites Mozart's example, recognized as a great genius. A composer began at age 7 and it is true that we know that some good pieces were written at the time of his adolescence. But the great symphonies were written after the age of 21, when he had already accumulated more than 10,000 hours of practice, in compositions and interpretations.
From this idea of 10,000 hours of practice, a level of knowledge acquired is possible based on a scale of magnitude of 10 hours, in an approximate way:
With 1 hour: We can know the basics.
With 10 hours: We have a broader notion of the basics.
With 100 hours: A medium level is acquired.
With 1,000 hours: It advances to be a specialist.
With 10,000 hours: One can master complications in that skill.