Equity Beta= 2,529
The risk of investing in a particular stock is measured with a metric referred to as equity beta. Equity Beta measures the volatility of the stock to the market, how sensitive is the stock price to a change in the overall market. It compares the volatility associated with the change in prices of a security. It changes with the capital structure of the company which includes the debt portion.
There are 3 methods to calculate Equity Beta:
1- Using the CAPM Model
2- Using Slope Tool
3- Using Unlevered Beta
In this exercise, we have the information to use the third method.
Equity Beta Formula = Unlevered Beta [ 1 + (D/E)( 1-Tax )]
Unlevered Beta= 1,23
D/E= 0,46
Tax rate= 0,35
Equity Beta = 1,23 + (1+0,46*0,65)
Equity Beta= 2,529